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Infrastructure, experience, flexibility and seriousness enable Amex Trade to provide its customers with integrated, agile and tailored solutions for each operation, always considering all the aspects involved, in order to optimize the results.
The clients have, in one single supplier of products, services, the logistics, the administrative and financial management of their export and import operations. See what Amex can offer:
Staff specialized in projects, streamlining the implementation and optimizing the costs;
Issuance of documents and customs clearance in Brazil and abroad;
Safe tax guidance, guiding the client regarding the tax classification, based on opinions of reputable tax consultants, observance of the international agreements, classifying the international operations, for the client to enjoy the tax benefits of Mercosur, LAIA and FTAA.
Bonded warehouses that enable the customers to request the clearance of the import goods according to their needs.
International Transportation We studies the best alternatives of the international transportations: airplane, ship, train or truck.
As the legal responsible for the whole process, Amex handles the procedures required in these countries, purchases the products, coordinates the operations of boarding, unloading, transportation, transshipping and technical support, if necessary.
The packages often involve several products that range from screws to boilers, demanding flexibility and knowledge of several industrial areas.
In the industrial projects that depend on different suppliers or the export of industrial installations, Amex consolidates the load and conducts the due tax structuring, offering the client the best tax classification for the entrance of the products in the destination countries, handles the necessary documentation, pays the creditors and bills to the importer.
Amex Trade also plans payments with suppliers, when necessary, avoiding that an order remains stopped while the shipment of resources does not arrive in Brazil.
Once the good is ready, Amex handles the boarding, storage and necessary documentation, so that the customs clearance is quickly conducted at the harbor, airport or frontier, thus avoiding expenses with storages and stays.